The Wine School of Tenuta Torciano along with the Pierluigiontour Wine School hosts out-of-the-ordinary tasting events for all types of wine lovers.WINE SCHOOL – TOUR AROUND THE WORLD
Why Learn about Italian Wine?
If you are new to the study of wine — or simply new to the Wine School of Tenuta Torciano — this class is for you. Here, you will experience each of the Wine School’s hallmarks: dispelling industry rumors, banishing popular wine myths, and delivering information in an easy-to-understand manner. Developed by a Pierluigi Giachi winemaker and honed over a 13° generation of winemakers, it represents a singular view of wine education. Allow us to share it with you!
The idea behind “Wine School by Tenuta Torciano : An Intro to Wine” is a deceptively simple one: an introductory class on the 8 most important wine grapes. Nothing more, nothing less. It’s one of the hallmarks of the Wine School of Tenuta Torciano: to take something seemingly elementary and turn it into a brilliant and captivating experience.
The secret Wine School
by Tenuta Torciano
The secret sauce is in our sommelier-instructors, who are the very soul of the Wine School. There are only a few hundred people in Tuscany that are truly gifted teachers. There are only a few dozen people in town that have a deep knowledge of wine. How many people are both great teachers and brilliant sommeliers?
Very few. How many of them are also unpretentious and have a great sense of humor? That number is shrinkingly microscopic, but that is okay: They are all recruited to teach for the Wine School. In the end, only the best of the best are allowed to teach the Wine School of Tenuta Torciano. It’s a rite of passage for both our students and instructors.
Is Tenuta Torciano
Wine School for you?
Even if you are a wine connoisseur, you should consider taking this class. Consider this an immunization against a deadly bout of wine snobbery. Even if the information in class is old hat to you, you will still learn a great deal about the school, our philosophy, and our teaching techniques.
There is a reason why the founders and administrators of other wine and culinary schools have taken classes at the Wine School by Tenuta Torciano. It’s the same reasons everyone benefits from attending our classes in tuscany in the winery and in the world.

Where all takes origin:
Tenuta Torciano is the product of the passion and hard work of a Tuscan family for over three centuries and 15 generations. Today, Pierluigi Giachi, together with his wife Luciana Cilemmi and son Emanuele Bartolomeo Giachi, carries on an ancient family tradition. Pierluigi Giachi does not like to call himself a winemaker, but rather he considers himself to be a countryman of Tuscany.
The concept behind our philosophy emphasizing “Handmade” and “Made in Italy” has always been an idea centered around collections produced by the soul, where careful attention is given to the finest “Quality”, “Excellence”, “Exclusivity” and “Originality” that has made Tenuta Torciano a continued succes. One of our successes that manifests itself is when the “Excellence” of a product fully expresses the meaning of the final value.
In order for us to cater to even the most particular and unique cliental requests, Tenuta Torciano has created an “Exclusive” collection of leather aged to paper product that allows you to create your own wine labels while still ensuring the highest level of quality. Our customers are represented by a community of passionate winelovers seeking true exposure into the cultural foundation of Tuscan life. The exclusive and quality Italian products can only be found in our cellar in San Gimignano, where you can breathe the fresh air not only filled with Italian culture but Tuscan tradition.
Choose your tasting
Classic Wine School
– 13 Tuscan product to taste
– Winetasting with Appetizers
of Full Meal
– Wine School: Learn about wine
made in Tuscany
– Time: around 2 hours
$0 Members
Corked & Forked
– 13 Tuscan product to taste
– Winetasting with
Full Course Meal
– Wine School: Learn about wine
made in Tuscany
– A chef will come to prepare delicious meal
– Time: around 2 hours
– Minumum of 30 people
FROM $120pax
Choose your tasting and
Pierluigi Premier Cru
– 13 Tuscan product to taste
– Winetasting with Full Course Meal
– Wine School: Learn about wine
made in Tuscany
– Pierluigi Giachi,
winemaker and president
of Tenuta Torciano will do this event
FROM $2000
Copyright Pierluigi on Tour © 2014-2020. All Rights Reserved. – www.pierluigiontour.com – wineschool@torciano.com